How do I process a single-use virtual card?

  • Updated

When you sign up to accept single-use virtual cards, it becomes your default method of receiving payment. This means that every time a Melio user pays you, you’ll get paid with a single-use virtual card. 

Single-use virtual cards look like any other credit card and include the following details: 

  • 16-digit card number - automatically generated and can be processed like any other card-not-present transaction. 
  • Expiration date-  set for 30 days from the payment day.
  • 3-digit CVC number.

Processing a single-use virtual card is simpler than you might think. In fact, you already know how to do it - the same way you process credit cards at your business today. Simply enter the card number into your point-of-sale (POS) terminal. (No adjustments or changes are needed.)


  • You can only process a single-use virtual card once and it should be for the total payment amount
  • It must be entered into a point-of-sale terminal that can process credit card transactions.
    •  This can either be a physical terminal or a virtual terminal that lets businesses process online or remote transactions, without the actual card. 

How to process your single-use virtual card 

Follow these simple steps when you receive the email with your single-use card:

  1. Click Get card details. You’ll be taken to Melio’s page with the full card details. 
  2. Click Copy card number
  3. Enter the card number in your point-of-sale terminal. Make sure to put in the exact amount of this card, or the payment will fail.
  4. The money will be transferred to your bank account.

Here’s what the page with the full card details looks like:


NOTE: If your card point-of-sale terminal asks for your zip code, enter the following: 10011.

For your convenience, the full address of the card issuer appears right below the single-use virtual card on the card details page (see the above screenshot).


You must enter the full amount- If you entered a partial amount, the action may look like it worked but it will actually be declined. Contact our payments operations team at if this happens.




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