If you chose a check as a delivery method, you may have received an email letting you know that it wasn’t deposited yet. You can contact your vendor to remind them to deposit the check.
Alternatively, you can void the check and resend the payment.
Or void the check and get the funds back in your account.
Void a check that hasn’t been deposited
When a check is not deposited, you get a reminder email 14 days after the check was sent to your vendor.
On day 15, you can void the check and resend the payment, or get your funds back in your account.
You can void the check in 2 ways:
Void the check from the email you received
The email includes payment details like the vendor’s name, invoice number and amount. When clicking Get a refund, you’ll be directed to that payment in your Melio account to start the voiding process and then resend the payment or get a refund.
Here’s what the reminder email looks like:
Void the check from your Melio account
Clicking Get a refund in the email takes you to the Payments tab.
1. Find the payment. It’s marked with a yellow label In progress and the error icon . You can also find it in the In progress sub-tab.
2. Click View details.
3. In the payment details section on the right, you’ll see the error message.
4. At the bottom of the page, click Void check and refund or Void and resend.
How to void the check and get a refund
5. Confirm the details of the check to void and the bank account for the refund. Click Confirm.
That’s it, we’re processing your refund request. This might take up to 5 days.
The payment will be labeled with Voiding check and will move to the Payments tab under the Failed sub-tab. The Failed sub-tab appears only when you have a failed payment.
You will get an email confirmation that the check was voided and a refund was initiated. Your vendor will also be notified that the check was voided.
Where can I see the status of the refund?
You can see it in the Payments tab under the All sub-tub. It is labeled with Processing refund.
Click View details to track the refund’s progress.
When the process is completed, it will be marked in the Payments tab with the label Refunded.
Click View details to see when the funds were returned to your bank account.
We’ll also notify you with an email.
How to void the check and resend the payment
You have 2 options to resend the payment:
Switch to bank transfer (ACH)
1. Enter the vendor’s bank details. Click Save bank details.
Note: Didn’t get this page?
The vendor’s bank details are already saved to your account. You’ll see this step only if you never paid them by an ACH bank transfer.
2. Review and confirm the rescheduled payment.
When the check is voided the payment status is changed to Failed for one business day. You can see it in the Payments tab under the Failed sub-tab.
After confirming that the check wasn’t deposited, we continue with the scheduled new payment.
3. In the Payments tab, under the In progress sub-tsb, the status of the payment changed to In progress. You can track its progress like any other payment.
Resend a paper check
1. Review the address details that were used to send the undeposited check. Edit if needed. Click Continue.
2. Choose the delivery speed. We recommend expediting your check delivery by choosing 3 business days if the bill’s due date passed. Click Continue.
3. Review the payment details of the second check. Click Confirm and schedule to finish.
4. In the Payments tab, under the In progress sub-tsb, the status of the payment changed to In progress. You can track its progress like any other payment.
Your vendor will get an email explaining that the original check was voided and payment was resent.