How to subscribe an existing client to a plan

  • Updated

Melio is built for businesses of every size and need. It’s optimized for more visibility, more flexibility, and more control. Introduce your firm and clients to a better way of managing bill pay. This article will show you how. 

The first time you sign in to your Melio account, you get the congratulatory popup: “Congrats, you’ve been upgraded for free!”. Click Got it to start subscribing your clients to a plan by October 27, 2024.

Note: What happens if I don’t subscribe clients to a plan by October 27, 2024?

If by October 27 a client isn’t subscribed to a plan, their Melio account will be blocked for you. 

1. In the Clients dashboard, unsubscribed clients will be marked with the label Pending plan


2. When you try to enter a client’s account, you’ll be blocked by the You need to choose a plan screen until the client is subscribed. 

Note: What will my client see?

Your client will be asked to subscribe to a plan to continue using their Melio account. They will not enjoy the special benefits as your client - 40% off the full fees and 3 additional users access -  because they subscribe on their own and not through you.


You’re directed to the client's dashboard, where you see and manage all your clients.


You can provide your client’s a subscription in 2 ways:

1. From the Make sure your clients have a plan by Oct 27 notification. 

2. From the Client's dashboard.


Subscribing your client from the notification

1. In the notification at the top of the page, click Assign plan.



2. In Assign client plans, next to the client you want to subscribe to a plan, click Assign a plan.


3. In Billing details, decide who is covering the subscription fees- the client or the firm:

  • Select Client pays directly for us to charge your client. You’ll be asked to add your client’s payment method. 
  • Select Firm pays for client,  to add the client’s plan to the firm’s monthly invoice.

4. Click Continue


5. In Plan selection, choose the plan that is right for your client’s needs. Click Continue.

Important notes: 

  • When a client subscribes through you before the end of 2024, they get a 40% discount on the full subscription fees.
  • Your client also gets 3 users included in the account. This means that 3 team members can get access to their Melio account, in addition to you. 
  • The Core or Boost plans are available to clients (not the Go plan). 


6. In Review and confirm, make sure the details are correct. Click Confirm and assign plan


Subscribing your client from the Client's dashboard

1. Go to Clients in the left sidebar.

2. Next to the client you want to assign a plan, click the three dots.

3. Select Assign plan from the dropdown list. 


4. In Billing details, decide who is covering the subscription fees- the client or the firm:

  • Select Client pays directly for us to charge your client. You’ll be asked to add your client’s payment method. 
  • Select Firm pays for client,  to add the client’s plan to the firm’s monthly invoice.

5. Click Continue


6.In Plan selection, choose the plan that is right for your client’s needs. Click Continue.

Important notes: 

  • When a client subscribes through you before the end of 2024, they get a 40% discount on the full subscription fees.
  • Your client also gets 3 users included in the account. This means that 3 team members can get access to their Melio account, in addition to you. 
  • The Core or Boost plans are available to clients (not the Go plan). 


7. In Review and confirm, make sure the details are correct. Click Confirm and assign plan

The client is billed for the subscription fees

You’re done assigning a plan. The subscription plan needs to be activated. This can be done either by you or your client.

  • To let the client activate the subscription the first time they sign in to the account, click Go to dashboard
  • To activate it now yourself, click Proceed to checkout in the Activate your client’s subscription confirmation page.


You’ll be directed to your client’s account. 

1. You might see the page Complete the required details. This appears if there are some missing details you need to add for regulatory purposes. 


2. A confirmation notification will appear advising that the account was subscribed to a plan by the accountant- that’s you. 


3. Click Continue

The account gets a 30-day free trial. This means we will charge for the subscription only after it ends.

4. Confirm the payment method that will be used to cover the subscription fees. Change it, if needed.  

5. Click Start free trial


That’s it! Your client’s Melio account is subscribed to a plan and activated. You can continue using the account.  


The firm is billed for the subscription fees

You’re done assigning a plan. By covering the client’s subscription fee, you also activated the account. 

That’s it! You can continue using your client’s Melio account. 

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