How to Manage Secure Payment for American Express® U.S. Corporate and Business Cards

  • Updated

You can keep track of and manage your American Express virtual Cards through Secure Payment in your Melio account.

Here’s how: 

1. Sign in to your Melio account.

2. Click Expenses in the left sidebar.

Expensses page.png


Let’s get to know this page:

+ Create Virtual Card

From here, you can create a new Card. Located in the top right corner. This button is situated here and will not disappear regardless of the tab you’re currently working in. When your list is empty, it is also located in the middle of the page.

create new card button.png


American Express account connected

In the top right corner, you can see the American Express Cards that are connected to this Melio account. You can have more than one Card connected.

This button is situated here and will not disappear regardless of the tab you’re currently working in. By clicking it, you can:

  • If you have more than 1 Card connected, select the Card you want to manage. Select the Card from the dropdown list.
  • Get to your American Express account. Click Go to my American Express account.
  • Go to your Melio account settings. Click Settings.
  • Connect another American Express Card account by clicking + Enroll new American Express Card.

American Express account.png


Virtual Cards

Here you can see all your active and canceled Cards. 

Virtual cards.png


Click the Card to see its information. 

From here, you can also deactivate a Card by clicking More actions and selecting Deactivate Virtual Card

card details- more options- deactivate card.png



Here, you can see all the transactions made with your American Express virtual Cards. 

Transactions page.png


Click the line to see the details of a selected transaction.

transaction details.png



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